Large plate project

They saw it permissible to live alone its own citizens every strife. "Oil get our hands on, we'll grab the money," they said. They fed terror, chaos in the Middle East... they kept Britain's dish "chemical weapons there are lies," they can't get through the entries now. Stick to them as they make every cruelty is returning. Yes, currently this has a big European nightmare. For the sake of the thieves rob the countries that turns into a lake of blood, now he is afraid of refugees from that country.
The Guardian newspaper yesterday, and it reads as follows: "the Europeans are scared of refugees and hurts them both.
They're afraid they're coming in such great numbers more of this." Yes, provoking all kinds, terrorism, civil war, and as trouble returning them is a bitch. BBC, un officials say information it receives from the fear and meet with him to Europe declares: "the refugees will shift to Europe from the Middle East CONFLICT and despair as the war continues, this situation will last." Yes, the patron of terror and War, the large European blood that Fed is in a panic. They don't know what to do, they can't come up with a solution, they're writhing in desperation.
That sums up how you see the desperation Guardian: "this crisis won't end neither diplomacy nor to share the load. Many refugees to reach Europe will continue. Europe to make mistakes during this process, with concern for the sufferings of the refugees so far between fear of a different future than we imagine. We need a solution DESPERATELY, but we haven't found the solution." Welcome and sharing of the bread and two million refugees in Turkey founded by refugees, those who are from countries with the counter "What we are going to become," he cries. World Food Programme food aid to Syrian refugees in monthly $ 12.5 as announced. In 3 months so money for a hamburger... and more good news, the BBC had carried out a terrific survey of the UK's Cambridge University. With a large plate of eating that leads to consume more in the country it was concluded. "Plates has grown by a quarter in the hundred years," he warns prof.
To stop this dangerous trend, the British government are urging the legal order processing. Terror-Chaos-civil Hamburger month 3 of the places where they Stoke the MONEY...
From here moving to the country and robbed it with guys with a big plate manufacture... see, they were sitting, and they speak the dishes growing in the country in the last hundred years. And Turkey is also a full 30 years, promoted by the country of the big tanners dealing with terrorism.
The waiters and the people of the Parador in the terror of the lamps 3 is bent so as to make money work for Southeast Hamburger.
Their Kurdish brothers in Turkey, Syria and northern Iraq into the emotion of Malazgirt-the spirit of trying to rebuild the Dardanelles, while the plates for growth in Europe, the kids are sending someone to death. Check Lamp yagdiranl weapons of the newspaper, what is writing in the Guardian said yesterday: "little Annie hit the coast of Germany to the Turkish Kurdish unusual step to suspend the rules and open the doors led to.
Although this decision is morally courageous wasn't very smart." Yes, of Kurdish origin who hit the beaches of tiny aylan the body, with the large plates eat for those who cares. Ayla kurdi to open the doors to the moral, but it's not so wise, "prefer IMMORALITY" means.

And large bowls PROJECT will encourage immorality as depersonalizing put the candle back. When suspending immorality and possession of a Schengen visa already in Germany, Austria kurdi to him so he wouldn't get his puppy to the borders they also doing a military buildup. In the UK, the establishment of reception centres and refugee camps in several African countries under the name of a project which provides asylum seekers to move here speaks today. A safe zone for Refugees in Syria, the US is looking to kurdurmay those who land in Africa now. Civil war-terror-Chaos and serve the ones who are doing the PKK, who deceived their mother and father have to go with the participating children. The barons of the media in cizre "civil war" you have to think ten thousand times if they were coming from Nara. In the case of the European Civil War that relied on terrorists you will have to leave our citizens in Africa is looking to the southeast. Money in 3 months and is preparing for a hamburger. He doesn't share the plate on terror never raised.

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