Jewish-American article...!!!

Jewish-American article...!!!


"Today our sovereignty, o Arabs and Muslims!

Your era is over!

See, genius, What Have you made?

We visited lit street if we hate you, you know what we did?

It's very simple ;we have your daughters Shroud out, and put cover with your Koran(Wipes until scarf scarf if you call whistle shawls drape the neck and ears showing if you call it, to mount it backwards or what it looks like from the front of the hair is called hijab say if you can say it's not true)
Order now!!!

Would you move our fingers as we want whenever we want!

Have you sold your clothes we produce
Check your market whatever;you are accepted sold

We've opened your intimate places!

We taught you wearing low waist pants with your young ones!

Do you know who wear low waist is one of the adjectives?
The people of LUT!

How stupid and retarded you are:

Eyeing the Jews steal our land and our honor to call you!!

Where were you!?
Chasing girls on the streets

What a beautiful I'm teasing with you!

You have hit rock bottom!

We have offered training curriculums we don't like your boring to you,

We filled channels immoral television programs

Can't think of anything important you have made

It doesn't matter what you might think!!

Shut up!

We taught you about the culture of being the friend of boys and girls, however, you are the cleanest in time for the Ummah!

I see today you are the most infamous Ummah.


Looked most beautiful language in the language of your book, we immediately believed and pursued her reactionary to learn another language, you are learning the new language your language layer, then gone!

Preparing your environment for your intake to flee to the west with the state, without regard to their own country, they were condemned to live!

My ancestor, my father and be proud of saying that individuals continue to be dysfunctional , and we we love you so!

We don't like your unit;

The Sunni Shia Mosque bomb said

Did we bomb the Sunnis said siilerink

We lit the fuse of the war between the corruption of you!

We turned the tide of corruption in the image and paper in your hand a few alevlensin!

We gave the Arab Spring and the toy in your hand! So we lit the fire that never dies with all of you!

We have the technology to you all ;

Your children kept him busy so we were out of the way all kinds of shit so get used when young and tender!

From all this training, away from the Koran and Islamic culture, we were correct!
I'm American I'm a Jew and proud of it framed!

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